Consultation Responses

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Sept.16, 2022
Feb. 26, 2021
ACPM Response to Alberta Treasury Board & Finance - Private Pension Review
Apr. 30, 2013Alberta Consultation on proposals for changes to pension division rules on marriage breakdown
Apr. 15, 2010Alberta Consultation paper on coverage 

Comment Letters

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May 8, 2020ACPM-Submission-to-Alberta-Finance-re-COVID-19-relief-measures
Dec. 20, 2012Alberta Government on Passage of New Act
Mar. 13, 2012Alberta Finance re: Private Pension Plan Funding Relief Measure 
Mar. 30, 2009Alberta Finance and Enterprise on Pension Funding Relief Provision 


Consultation Responses

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Aug. 30, 2019ACPM-Response-to-BC-Finance-re-Solvency-Funding-Reform-Review
Jul. 24, 2019ACPM-Response-BCFSA-Fee-Consultation
Feb. 4, 2019ACPM-Submission-BC-Solvency-Funding-Reform-Review
Apr. 1, 2010B.C. Consultation paper on coverage 

Comment Letters


Dec. 6, 2012B.C. Government on Solvency Relief 
Jun. 19, 2012B.C. Government on new PBSA 


Pension Review

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2008Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards


Consultation Responses 

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Jun. 11, 2020ACPM-to-MB-Finance-re-COVID19-situation
Feb. 21, 2018ACPM-Response-to-Manitoba-PBA-Review-Final
Apr. 30, 2010Manitoba Consultation paper on coverage 


Consultation Responses

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Jun.18, 2021ACPM-response-to-FCNB-Unclaimed-Property
Jul. 13, 2020ACPM-Submission-to-Govt-of-New-Brunswick-Regulatory-amendments
Feb. 7, 2020ACPM-Submission-to-Govt-of-New-Brunswick-Funding-Framework-for-Defined-Benefit-Plans
Sept. 19, 2011New Brunswick Consultation 
May 14, 2010New Brunswick Consultation paper on coverage 


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Oct. 6, 2020ACPM-response-to-NL-questionnaire-re-Unlocking


Consultation Responses

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Jun. 19, 2019ACPM-Letter-to-Finance-NS-re-Pension-Funding-Reform
Nov. 10, 2017ACPM-Submission-on-Nova Scotia Funding-Reform
Oct. 13, 2015Nova Scotia Consultation on PRPP Regulations
Jan. 7, 2013Nova Scotia Draft Funding Regulations
Jan. 31, 2012Nova Scotia draft PBR 
Sept. 17, 2010Nova Scotia Consultation - Mechanism for Enhancing the Retirement Income System in Canada 
Sept. 19, 2010Nova Scotia Pensions Review 

Pension Review

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2008Nova Scotia Pension Review Panel


Consultation Responses

Aug. 9, 2024ACPM Submission to Ontario's Public consultation on draft regulations to support A Permanent Framework for Target Benefits (TBP Regulations) (Proposal Number 24-MOF012)
July 8, 2024ACPM Submission to Ontario's Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Succession Law Reform Act (SLRA) 
Nov.14, 2023ACPM submission - Auto-features in pension and workplace plans
Oct.26, 2023ACPM response to Ontario's Follow-Up Consultation Document - A Permanent Framework for Target Benefits: Revised Proposals
June 23, 2023ACPM Response to Ontario's Target Benefits Consultation
Nov. 30, 2021ACPM-letter-to-Ontario-MoL-and-MoF-re-DC auto-features
Mar. 19, 2021 ACPM-Response-to-Department-of-Finance-re-Submission Digital ID
Jul. 16, 2020ACPM-to-Ontario-government-re-Auto-features
Jun, 29, 2020ACPM-submission-to-Ontario-Ministry-of-Labour-re-COVID-Leave
Jan. 23, 2020ACPM-response-to-Ontario-PBA-changes
Aug. 27, 2019ACPM-Submission-Ontario Ministry of Finance-on-Electronic-Communications
May 3, 2019ACPM-Response-on-Ontario-Variable-Benefits-and-Annuity-Discharge-Regulations
Feb. 28, 2019ACPM-Letter-Ontario-Finance-re-PfAD-Calculation
May 4, 2018ACPM-re-Funding-Framework-for-TBP-MEPPs
May 3, 2018ACPM-re-Ontario-Variable-DC-Benefits
May 3, 2018ACPM-re-FSCO-Policy-for-Administrative-Penalties-under-the-PBA
Feb. 20, 2018ACPM-Response-to-Ontario-PBGF-Consultation-Final-Feb20-18
Feb. 16, 2018ACPM-re-FSCO-Superintendent-Exercise-of-powers-Pension-Benefits-Act-(the-PBA”)
Jan. 29, 2018ACPM-Response-to-Ontario-Funding-Rules
Jun. 12, 2017ACPM-Submission-to-Ontario-on-Proposed-Special-orders-by-the-Superintendent
Jun. 12, 2017ACPM-Submission-to-MOF-re-AMP-Regulations
May 12, 2017ACPM-Submission-on-Ontario-Budget-Bill-127
Sept. 30, 2016ACPM-Response-to-Ontario-Solvency-Funding-Consultation
Jun. 21, 2016ACPM-Letter-to-Minister-of-National-Revenue
Jan. 22, 2016Ontario government should delay ORPP Implementation
Dec. 17, 2015FSCO-FST-DICO Mandate Review Phase 2
Oct. 19, 2015ACPM-Submission-Ontario-Target-Benefit-Plans-and-MEPPs
Oct. 13, 2015Ontario Amendment re: Pension Advisory Committees
Aug. 28, 2015Ontario ESG Policy
Aug. 28, 2015Ontario SIPPs for DC Plans
Jul. 20, 2015Addendum to Comments on Proposed Amendments to Pension Funding-Rules
Jun. 18, 2015FSCO-FST-DICO Mandate Review
Jun. 12, 2015Proposed Amendments to Funding Rules Reg 909
Mar. 9, 2015Proposed BPS JSPP Conversions
Feb. 13, 2015ORPP Design Consultation
Feb. 18, 2014Ontario Ministry of Finance’s proposed Amendment to Regulation 909 (PBA)
Jan. 20, 2014Ontario PRPP Consultation Paper
Sept. 9, 2013Draft Regulation regarding Pension Asset Transfers under Section 80 and 81 of the Pension Benefits Act
Jun. 29, 2012Submission to the Pension Investment Advisor, Province of Ontario 
Jun. 1, 2012Draft Regulation made under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act 

Comment Letters

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Sept. 30, 2016ACPM-Response-CSA-Obligations-of-Financial-Advisors-Dealers-Reps
Oct. 24, 2014Amendments to Reg 909
Jun. 4, 2014Proposed Regulation re: Statements for Former and Retired Members
Jun. 11, 2014Proposed Regulation re: Variable Benefit Accounts
Apr. 26, 2013Ontario Finance re: Carrigan Case
Feb.11, 2013Morneau Report
Oct. 12, 2012Unclaimed Intangible Property Program Consultation
Jul. 2, 2012Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) Consultation Paper, 91-405 Derivatives: End-User Exemption (Ontario) 
Feb. 29, 2012Ontario Finance re: Private Pension Plan Funding Relief Measure 
 For more, click HERE

Pension Review

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2007Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions

For more submissions, click HERE


Consultation Responses

Mar. 16, 2022ACPM Letter to PEI Government
Sept. 28, 2012Government of PEI - Consultation Paper, Bill 41 PBA
Feb. 7, 2011Government of PEI - Consultation Paper Bill 30 Pension Benefits Act 


Consultation Responses

Jan.26, 2023ACPM Submission to the Committee on Public Finance - Special consultations and public hearings on the Québec Pension Plan consultation document entitled “A plan adapted to the challenges of the 21st century"
March. 14, 2022
ACPM response to Consultation Paper on Modernizing the Decumulation Rules for Locked-in Savings in Québec
Nov. 5, 2021ACPM-Letter-to-RQ-re-Draft-Reg-TBPP
Oct. 30, 2020Brief-on-Bill-68
Aug. 28, 2020ACARR-Lettre-28-aout-2020-a-RQ-re-Projet-de-reg-COVID-19-EN
Mar. 27, 2020ACPM-Letter-to-Quebec-Ministry-and-Retraite-Quebec-re-COVID-19
Aug. 16, 2019Comments on the draft Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting supplemental pension plans published on July 3, 2019 in the Gazette officielle du Québec (the "Regulation").
Jan. 23, 2019Disparity in treatment clauses in pension plans
Jan. 18, 2019Comments on the Proposed Regulation Respecting the Funding of Multi-Jurisdictional Defined Benefit Pension Plans (the "Proposed Regulation")
May 23, 2018ACPM-Consultation-Paper-on-Bill-176-May-23-2018
Feb. 7, 2018ACPM-Letter-re-QC-disparity-clause
Aug. 25, 2017Comments on the draft Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting supplemental pension plans (the "Draft Regulation")
Jan. 18, 2017ACPM-Submission-to-the-Public-Consultation-on-the-Quebec-Pension-Plan
Oct. 14, 2015Québec Bill 57
Sept. 2, 2014Québec Bill 3
Aug. 30, 2013Québec Bill 39 VRSP
Aug. 7, 2013Recommendations of the Expert Committee on the Future of the Québec Retirement System
Mar. 30, 2012Québec Expert Committee on the Future of Pensions in Québec
Feb. 10, 2012Submission to Quebec Expert Committee

Comment Letters

In March 2011, the Régie des rentes du Québec stated its position after it tightened its requirements for financial statements of pension plans registered in Québec. This position was to the effect that financial statements must be standard and prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and which, failure to report pension obligations as benefit payments, would result in the independent auditor issuing an adverse opinion on such financial statements.

As a stakeholder in the consultations that followed after the position was taken and that helped to update the position, ACPM therefore commends the notice recently published by the RRQ, which stipulates that financial statements produced as at December 31, 2011, may be, at the discretion of the plan administrator, for special purpose and exclude pension obligations without requiring an adverse opinion. Click HERE to consult the RRQ notice. (in French) 


Comment Letter

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Jun. 11, 2021ACPM-Response-to-SK-Funding-Reform
Apr. 16, 2021ACPM-Response-to-SK-Financial-Hardship-Consultation
Oct.4, 2018ACPM-Letter-re-Solvency-Relief-to Governament of Saskchewan 

Consultation Responses

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May 26, 2020ACPM-to-SK-Finance-re-COVID19
Dec. 20, 2016ACPM-Response-to-FCAA-Revised-NCPP-Funding-Regime-Paper
Jul. 29, 2016ACPM-Response-to-the-SK-Negotiated-Cost-Pension-Plan-Consultation-Paper
Jun. 24, 2014Saskatchewan Consultation Paper on Non-residency Unlocking


Consultation Responses

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Apr. 30, 2010Yukon Consultation paper on coverage