The National Conference Planning Committee consists of volunteer members from various professional disciplines across Canada. The Committee identifies major retirement income issues, develops the conference agenda and secures the necessary individuals and expertise that will result in a rewarding, unique and informative experience for all conference delegates.
Hugh Wright, Miller Thomson
F. Hubert Tremblay, Mercer
Bobby Argiropoulos, Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan
Leona Barrington, Provident10
Karen Burnett, CAAT Pension Plan
Andrée-Anne Caron, Normandin Beaudry
Denise Fernandes, Linea Solutions
Jennifer Katzsch, Desjardins
Derrick Johnstone, UBC
Andy Kong, Van Berkom Global Asset Management
Jonathan Lapointe, AlphaFixe Capital
Claude Lockhead, Fiera Capital
Colyn Lowenberger, Möbius Benefit Administrators
Allyson Marta, Bennett Jones LLP
Nicole Martel, LAPP Corporation
Sean Maxwell, Brown Mills Klinck Prezioso LLP
Jojo Mitchell, CWB Wealth
Susan Nickerson, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Stacey Parker-Yull, Medicus Pension Plan
Jackie Patel, Sun Life
Andrea Perry, Northern Trust Company, Canada
Brad Prokop, TRAF
Guillaume Proulx-Cabana, Mercer
Amy Pun, TELUS Health
Alexandre Zarbatany, Addenda Capital
Chuck Bruce, Provident10 (ex-officio)
Korinne Collins, ACPM
Judy Lei, ACPM
Marie Bordeleau, ACPM